Optimizing User Engagement: Dynamic OG Image Strategies for Modern Web Apps

Optimizing User Engagement: Dynamic OG Image Strategies for Modern Web Apps


4 min read

Ever noticed how platforms like Linear, Vercel, and Raycast generate unique OG images for each page? In this article, we'll explore practical strategies for implementing dynamic OG images that can significantly boost your content's engagement and shareability.

Understanding Dynamic OG Image Architecture

Modern web applications often need to generate different OG images based on various factors: user-generated content, dynamic data, or personalized experiences. Let's examine how leading tech companies approach this challenge.

The Vercel Approach

Vercel's documentation pages generate unique OG images that include:

  • Documentation section title

  • Code snippets or key concepts

  • Consistent branding elements

  • Dynamic color schemes based on the content type

Their implementation leverages Edge Functions to generate these images on-demand, ensuring fast loading times while maintaining customization.

The Linear Method

Linear takes a different approach by:

  • Generating OG images for each project and issue

  • Including real-time status and progress information

  • Maintaining consistent design language across all generated images

  • Using cached generation to optimize performance

Implementation Deep Dive

Let's explore three different approaches to implementing dynamic OG images, each suited for different use cases.

1. Edge-Based Generation

// pages/api/og.tsx
import { ImageResponse } from '@vercel/og'

export const config = {
  runtime: 'edge',

export default function handler(req) {
  try {
    const { searchParams } = new URL(req.url)

    const title = searchParams.get('title')
    const type = searchParams.get('type')

    return new ImageResponse(
            background: type === 'blog' ? '#1a1a1a' : '#ffffff',
            width: '1200px',
            height: '630px',
            display: 'flex',
            alignItems: 'center',
            justifyContent: 'center',
          <h1 style={{ fontSize: '64px', color: type === 'blog' ? '#ffffff' : '#000000' }}>
        width: 1200,
        height: 630,
  } catch (e) {
    return new Response('Failed to generate image', { status: 500 })

2. Pre-Generation with Cache

import sharp from 'sharp'
import { redis } from './redis'

async function generateOGImage(params) {
  const cacheKey = `og:${params.id}`
  const cached = await redis.get(cacheKey)

  if (cached) {
    return cached

  const svg = generateSVGTemplate(params)
  const buffer = await sharp(Buffer.from(svg))
    .resize(1200, 630)

  await redis.set(cacheKey, buffer, 'EX', 3600)
  return buffer

3. Hybrid Approach for Complex Applications

class OGImageService {
  private static instance: OGImageService
  private cache: Map<string, Buffer>

  private constructor() {
    this.cache = new Map()

  static getInstance() {
    if (!OGImageService.instance) {
      OGImageService.instance = new OGImageService()
    return OGImageService.instance

  async getImage(config: OGImageConfig): Promise<Buffer> {
    const key = this.generateKey(config)

    if (this.shouldUseCache(config) && this.cache.has(key)) {
      return this.cache.get(key)

    const image = await this.generateImage(config)

    if (this.shouldUseCache(config)) {
      this.cache.set(key, image)

    return image

  private shouldUseCache(config: OGImageConfig): boolean {
    return !config.dynamic && !config.personalized

Performance Optimization Strategies

1. Smart Caching

Implement a tiered caching strategy:

  • Edge cache for static templates

  • CDN cache for semi-dynamic content

  • In-memory cache for frequently accessed patterns

2. Lazy Generation

Generate OG images only when:

  • Content is first shared on social media

  • A page receives its first visitor

  • Content is published or updated

3. Resource Management

Optimize resource usage by:

  • Implementing queue systems for bulk generation

  • Setting appropriate cache expiration policies

  • Using adaptive quality settings based on content type

Monitoring and Analytics

Track the performance and impact of your OG images:

interface OGImageMetrics {
  generationTime: number
  cacheHitRate: number
  socialShares: number
  clickThroughRate: number

class OGImageAnalytics {
  async trackGeneration(imageId: string, metrics: OGImageMetrics) {
    // Implementation for tracking and analysis

Modern Solutions and Tools

While implementing these strategies from scratch is possible, modern tools can significantly reduce development time and maintenance overhead. Gleam.so offers a developer-friendly solution that handles these complexities while providing:

  • Template-based generation with code-first customization

  • Built-in performance optimizations

  • Cross-platform compatibility testing

  • Real-time preview capabilities

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Looking Forward

As web applications become more dynamic and personalized, OG image generation strategies will continue to evolve. Consider exploring:

  • AI-enhanced image generation

  • User-specific customization

  • Real-time data visualization

  • Interactive preview components


Dynamic OG images are becoming increasingly important for modern web applications. Whether you choose to build a custom solution or leverage existing tools, ensuring proper implementation and optimization is crucial for maximizing engagement and maintaining performance.

Want to explore more examples of effective OG image implementations? Check out our gallery of inspiring examples from leading tech companies.